Avaya 77200X Dumps

Avaya 77200X Dumps PDF

Avaya IP Office Platform Basic Integration and Configuration Exam
  • 65 Questions & Answers
  • Update Date : December 01, 2024

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Avaya 77200X Sample Questions

Question # 1

An Avaya IP Office customer wants all incoming calls from the 212 area code to be routed to the Sales hunt group. To program an Incoming Call Route (ICR) to meet this requirement, which two steps are needed? (Choose two.)

A. Edit the default ICR Destination to Sales hunt group 
B. Enter 212 in the Incoming Number field 
C. Select the Receptionist hunt group as the fallback extension 
D. Add an ICR for Any Voice with the destination of the Sales hunt group 
E. Enter 212 in the Incoming CLI field 

Question # 2

On an IP Office 500V2, how is the default operating mode of A-Law or µ-Law configured?

A. It is checked during system startup 
B. It is entered in the BootP file 
C. It is on the System SD cards 
D. It is configured using Manager 

Question # 3

On an Avaya IP Office solution, which two licenses can be used for one-X® Mobile? (Choose two.)

A. Preferred Edition 
B. Power User 
C. Advanced Edition 
D. Office Worker 

Question # 4

After creating new Extensions and Users on an Avaya IP Office solution, which tool offers an analytic view of any changes to the system?

A. Extension form 
B. Manager 
C. Monitor 
D. Audit trail 

Question # 5

A call is directed to the first hunt group in an Avaya IP Office, then it overflows to a secondhunt group, and then the call is sent to voicemail.To which mailbox is the call sent?

A. The general catch-all mailbox 
B. Both the first and second hunt group user mailboxes 
C. The second hunt extension group mailbox only 
D. The first hunt group mailbox only 

Question # 6

When using the IP Office Manager program on a PC, which statement is true about the configuration?

A. It is automatically saved to the control unit every time OK is selected 
B. It is held in the Manager application until it is saved to the control unit 
C. It is automatically backed up to the SD card every five minutes 
D. It is dynamically updated to the control unit after every keystroke 

Question # 7

Which two applications can be used to display all valid licenses on an Avaya IP Office solution? (Choose two.)

A. Manager 
C. VM Pro 
D. Wireshark 

Question # 8

After the installation of Avaya Equinox Client on a User’s Computer has been completed, which User Information is needed when the client is configured manually?

A. The User’s Name and Login Code 
B. The User’s Name and Password 
C. The User’s Extension and Password 
D. The User’s Extension and Login Code 

Question # 9

When creating Voicemail Pro Administrator types, which three types are available? (Choose three.)

A. Administrator 
B. Standard 
C. Basic 
D. Manager 
E. Advanced 

Question # 10

Which two methods can be used to capture Avaya IP Office call activity on the System Status Application (SSA)? (Choose two.)

A. Copy snapshot 
B. Continuous log 
C. Save as 
D. Snapshot only 
E. Copy log 

Question # 11

Which two time settings are available for the IP Office Server Edition? (Choose two.)

A. Time derived from the Manager PC 
B. An internal clock, manually set 
C. Automatic setting by the Clocking on T1 or SIP Trunks 
D. Time given by a time server on the network 
E. A wizard in the Manager program 

Question # 12

Which statement about the Manager Application for IP Office Server Edition is true?

A. Manager includes Voicemail Pro Client 
B. Manager shows the status of all servers on one screen 
C. Manager has been fully ported to Web Management 
D. Manager runs on the server itself 

Question # 13

What are three common licenses that are valid for the Avaya IP Office Primary Server? (Choose three.)

A. Server Edition 
B. SIP Trunk Channels 
C. Power User 
D. IPSec Tunneling 
E. PRI Channels