CheckPoint 156-215.81 Dumps

CheckPoint 156-215.81 Dumps PDF

Check Point Certified Security Administrator R81.20
  • 400 Questions & Answers
  • Update Date : November 01, 2024

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CheckPoint 156-215.81 Sample Questions

Question # 1

When changes are made to a Rule base, it is important to _______________ to enforce changes.

A. Publish database  
B. Activate policy  
C. Install policy  
D. Save changes  

Question # 2

When a SAM rule is required on Security Gateway to quickly block suspicious connections which are not restricted by the Security Policy, what actions does the administrator need to take?

A. SmartView Monitor should be opened and then the SAM rule/s can be applied immediately. Installing policy is not required. 
B. The policy type SAM must be added to the Policy Package and a new SAM rule must be applied. Simply Publishing the changes applies the SAM rule on the firewall. 
C. The administrator must work on the firewall CLI (for example with SSH and PuTTY) and the command 'sam block' must be used with the right parameters. 
D. The administrator should open the LOGS & MONITOR view and find the relevant log. Right clicking on the log entry will show the Create New SAM rule option. 

Question # 3

Identity Awareness allows the Security Administrator to configure network access based on which of the following?

A. Name of the application, identity of the user, and identity of the machine  
B. Identity of the machine, username, and certificate  
C. Network location, identity of a user, and identity of a machine  
D. Browser-Based Authentication, identity of a user, and network location  

Question # 4

Which command shows the installed licenses? 

A. cplic print  
B. print cplic  
C. fwlic print  
D. show licenses  

Question # 5

Which of the following is NOT an option to calculate the traffic direction? 

A. Incoming  
B. Internal  
C. External  
D. Outgoing  

Question # 6

Fill in the blank: When a policy package is installed, ________ are also distributed to the target installation Security Gateways.

A. User and objects databases  
B. Network databases  
C. SmartConsole databases  
D. User databases  

Question # 7

What is the most recommended installation method for Check Point appliances? 

A. SmartUpdate installation  
B. DVD media created with Check Point ISOMorphic  
C. USB media created with Check Point ISOMorphic  
D. Cloud based installation  

Question # 8

The Network Operations Center administrator needs access to Check Point Security devices mostly for troubleshooting purposes. You do not want to give her access to the expert mode, but she still should be able to run tcpdump. How can you achieve this requirement?

A. Add tcpdump to CLISH using add command.Create a new access role.Add tcpdump to the role.Create new user with any UID and assign role to the user.
B. Add tcpdump to CLISH using add command.Create a new access role.Add tcpdump to the role.Create new user with UID 0 and assign role to the user. 
C. Create a new access role.Add expert-mode access to the role.Create new user with UID 0 and assign role to the user. 
D. Create a new access role.Add expert-mode access to the role.Create new user with any UID and assign role to the user. 

Question # 9

When dealing with rule base layers, what two layer types can be utilized? 

A. Ordered Layers and Inline Layers  
B. Inbound Layers and Outbound Layers  
C. R81.10 does not support Layers  
D. Structured Layers and Overlap Layers  

Question # 10

Which of the following is NOT a tracking option? (Select three) 

A. Partial log  
B. Log  
C. Network log  
D. Full log  

Question # 11

Fill in the blank: In Security Gateways R75 and above, SIC uses ______________ for encryption.

A. AES-128  
B. AES-256  
C. DES  
D. 3DES  

Question # 12

Which two of these Check Point Protocols are used by ? 

A. ELA and CPD  
B. FWD and LEA  
C. FWD and CPLOG  
D. ELA and CPLOG  

Question # 13

Which of the following describes how Threat Extraction functions? 

A. Detect threats and provides a detailed report of discovered threats  
B. Proactively detects threats  
C. Delivers file with original content  
D. Delivers PDF versions of original files with active content removed