CompTIA SY0-701 Dumps

CompTIA SY0-701 Dumps PDF

CompTIA Security+ Exam 2024
  • 222 Questions & Answers
  • Update Date : October 01, 2024

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CompTIA SY0-701 Sample Questions

Question # 1

A company would like to provide employees with computers that do not have access to the internetin order to prevent information from being leaked to an online forum. Which of the following wouldbe best for the systems administrator to implement?

A. Air gap
B. Jump server
C. Logical segmentation
D. Virtualization

Question # 2

An administrator needs to perform server hardening before deployment. Which of the followingsteps should the administrator take? (Select two)

A. Disable default accounts.
B. Add the server to the asset inventory.
C. Remove unnecessary services.
D. Document default passwords.
E. Send server logs to the SIEM.E. Join the server to the corporate domain.

Question # 3

Which of the following tasks is typically included in the BIA process?

A. Estimating the recovery time of systems
B. Identifying the communication strategy
C. Evaluating the risk management plan
D. Establishing the backup and recovery procedures
E. Developing the incident response plan

Question # 4

Which of the following describes effective change management procedures?

A. Approving the change after a successful deployment
B. Having a backout plan when a patch fails
C. Using a spreadsheet for tracking changes
D. Using an automatic change control bypass for security updates

Question # 5

A security administrator is configuring fileshares. The administrator removed the default permissionsand added permissions for only users who will need to access the fileshares as part of their jobduties. Which of the following best describes why the administrator performed these actions?

A. Encryption standard compliance
B. Data replication requirements
C. Least privilege
D. Access control monitoring

Question # 6

A systems administrator would like to deploy a change to a production system. Which of thefollowing must the administrator submit to demonstrate that the system can be restored to aworking state in the event of a performance issue?

A. Backout plan
B. Impact analysis
C. Test procedure
D. Approval procedure

Question # 7

An organization wants to ensure the integrity of compiled binaries in the production environment.Which of the following security measures would best support this objective?

A. Input validation
B. Code signing
C. SQL injection
D. Static analysis

Question # 8

A company is decommissioning its physical servers and replacing them with an architecture that willreduce the number of individual operating systems. Which of the following strategies should thecompany use to achieve this security requirement?

A. Microservices
B. Containerization
C. Virtualization
D. Infrastructure as code

Question # 9

A company hired a security manager from outside the organization to lead security operations.Which of the following actions should the security manager perform first in this new role?

A. Establish a security baseline.
B. Review security policies.
C. Adopt security benchmarks.
D. Perform a user ID revalidation

Question # 10

Which of the following security controls is most likely being used when a critical legacy server issegmented into a private network?

A. Deterrent
B. Corrective
C. Compensating
D. Preventive

Question # 11

A company that is located in an area prone to hurricanes is developing a disaster recovery plan andlooking at site considerations that allow the company to immediately continue operations. Which ofthe following is the best type of site for this company?

A. Cold
B. Tertiary
C. Warm
D. Hot

Question # 12

A security administrator identifies an application that is storing data using MD5. Which of thefollowing best identifies the vulnerability likely present in the application?

A. Cryptographic
B. Malicious update
C. Zero day
D. Side loading

Question # 13

A security engineer needs to configure an NGFW to minimize the impact of the increasing number ofvarious traffic types during attacks. Which of the following types of rules is the engineer the mostlikely to configure?

A. Signature-based
B. Behavioral-based
C. URL-based
D. Agent-based