EMC DES-1D11 Dumps

EMC DES-1D11 Dumps PDF

Specialist: Technology Architect - Midrange Storage Solutions
  • 108 Questions & Answers
  • Update Date : October 10, 2024

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EMC DES-1D11 Questions:

Embark on your certification journey with confidence as we are providing most reliable DES-1D11 dumps from Microsoft. Our commitment to your success comes with a 100% passing guarantee, ensuring that you successfully navigate your EMC DES-1D11 exam on your initial attempt. Our dedicated team of seasoned experts has intricately designed our EMC DES-1D11 dumps PDF to align seamlessly with the actual exam question answers. Trust our comprehensive DES-1D11 exam questions answers to be your reliable companion for acing the DES-1D11 certification.

EMC DES-1D11 Sample Questions

Question # 1

What is a benefit of cross-platform replication between Dell EMC SC Series and PS Series? 

A. Active Snapshot Replication
B. Live Volume Replication
C. Compression of replicated data
D. Leverages existing interfaces

Question # 2

Which value should be used for back-end sizing when planning a Dell EMC SC Series solution?

A. 1x front-end throughput
B. 2x front-end throughput
C. 3x front-end throughput
D. 4x front-end throughput

Question # 3

You are designing a Dell EMC Unity solution that uses external key management to provide data security to an array at a remote site. Which encryption key is held in the KMIP server and is required for the Unity boot?

A. Key Wrapping Key
B. Store Ignition Key
C. RSA Key
D. Data Encryption Key

Question # 4

A customer has a Dell EMC SC9000 that supports transparent, non-disruptive volume movement among arrays. This allows the combined capacity and cache of the entire federated cluster to be seamlessly utilized for maximum performance and scalability in expanding data centers.By leveraging the eight SC9000 arrays, what will be the total maximum raw capacity?  

A. 5.3 PB
B. 8 PB
C. 16 PB
D. 24 PB

Question # 5

You are designing a Dell EMC Unity solution for a customer. The customer requires protection against the loss of a site for an application that is sensitive to long response times. Which Unity feature meets these requirements?

A. Incremental Attach
B. Asynchronous Replication
C. Native SANCopy Import
D. Synchronous Replication