Oracle 1z0-888 Dumps

Oracle 1z0-888 Dumps PDF

MySQL 5.7 Database Administrator
  • 124 Questions & Answers
  • Update Date : November 01, 2024

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Oracle 1z0-888 Sample Questions

Question # 1

You are no longer able to log in to an existing MySQL Server because the root password credentials not working.You need to reset the root password to complete various administrative tasks.What are the two major methods that will achieve this?(Choose two.) 

A.  Start the MySQL Server in --safe-mode, which only loads the privilege system for changes as data isinaccessible.
B. Start the MySQL Server with reset-root-password in my.cnf, which will prompt you to enter a new rootuser password.
C. Start the MySQL Server with --init-file pointing to SQL that executes an ALTER USER statement tochange the root user password.
D. Start the MySQL Server with --skip-grant-tables and execute SQL, which will update the root password.
E. Start the MySQL Server with –initialize-insecure to force a password reset procedure on the commandline.

Question # 2

You are investigating the performance of the server and see this information: events_waits_summary_global_by_event_name in the Performance Schema shows that the wait/synch/mutex/sql/LOCK_table_cache event is dominating other wait events.The Table_open_cache_overflows status variable is 0. Which action should be taken to remove the performance bottleneck described here?

A. Increase the value of table_open_cache_instances.
B. Decrease the value of table_definition_cache.
C. Decrease the value of table_open_cache.
D. Increase the value of table_definition_cache.
E. Increase the value of table_open_cache.
F. Decrease the value of table_open_cache instances.

Question # 3

What is the order of tables shown in an EXPLAIN output?

A. It lists tables from the smallest to the largest.
B. It lists tables in the order in which their data will be read.
C. It lists tables from the most optimized to the least optimized.
D. It lists tables in the order in which they are specified in the statement that is being explained.

Question # 4

A single InnoDB table has been dropped by accident. You are unable to use an additional intermediate MySQL instance to restore the table. Which two backup methods can be used to restore the single table without stopping the MySQL instance? (Choose two.)

A. a backup created with mysqldump --all-databases
B. a backup created using FLUSH TABLES … FOR EXPORT
C. an up-to-date replication slave
D. a file system-level snapshot
E. a file system copy created while MySQL was shut down.

Question # 5

Suppose you are adding rows to a MyISAM table and the --datadir location runs out of disk space. What will happen when this occurs?

A. The server will crash.
B. The server suspends that INSERT operation until space becomes available.
C. An error message will be returned to the client .Server Error: ER_IO
D. The server suspends operations for all storage engines until space becomes available.

Question # 6

After rebooting the host, you attempt to start the mysqld service.You get the following error: Can’t start the server:Bind on TCP/IP port: Address already in use What is the most likely cause of this error?

A. The mysqld service has already been started on the same port.
B. The network service process in the server is frozen, so all TCP/IP connections are paused and cannot bereused.
C. You failed to specify the port number 3306 to the command to start the server, so it is defaulting to port80, which is in use by the built-in web server.
D. The /etc/hosts file does not have a valid IP entry for mysqld localhost, so it is binding to,which is already in use.
E. The mysql.sock file in the MySQL /tmp directory was not removed after the reboot, so mysqld stillthinks there is an active server running.