Salesforce Salesforce-Certified-Administrator Dumps

Salesforce Salesforce-Certified-Administrator Dumps PDF

Salesforce Certified Administrator (SP24)
  • 248 Questions & Answers
  • Update Date : October 01, 2024

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Salesforce Salesforce-Certified-Administrator Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which two capabilities are considerations when marking a field as required in Object Manager? Choose 2 answers

 A. The field is not required to save records via the API on that object. 
B. The field is universally required to save a record on that object. 
C. The field is added to every page layout on that object. 
D. The field is optional when saving records via web-to-lead and web-to-case 

Question # 2

Ursa Major Solar wants to assist users with a guided expense report process to simplify submissions, routing, and authorizations. Which two tools should an administrator use to build this solution? Choose 2 answers

 A. Validation Rule 
B. Flow Builder 
C. Approval Process 
D. Quick Action 

Question # 3

What are three characteristics of a master-detail relationship? Choose 3 answers 

A. The master object can be a standard or custom object. 
B. Permissions for the detail record are set independently of the master. 
C. Each object can have up to five master-detail relationships. 
D. Roll-up summaries are supported in master-detail relationships. 
E. The owner field on the detail records is the owner of the master record. 

Question # 4

A sales rep has a list of 300 accounts with contacts that they want to load at one time. Which tool should the administrator utilize to import the records to salesforce? 

B. Data Loader 
C. Manual Import 
D. Data Import Wizard 

Question # 5

Cloud Kicks has asked the administrator to test a new screen flow that create contacts. What are two key components of testing the flow? Choose 2 answers

 A. Set Up a flow interview to test the flow. 
B. Run the flow using it to create contacts. 
C. Use Debug to test the flow in Flow Builder. 
D. Test the flow in a sandbox. 

Question # 6

Cloud Kicks has decided to delete a custom field. What will happen to the data in the field when it is deleted? 

A. The data in the field is stored for 20 days. B. The data is permanently deleted. 
C. The data associated with the field is required. 
D. The data is restorable from the recycle bin.

Question # 7

The administrator at universal containers has a screen flow that helps users create new leads. When lead source is “Search Engine”, the administrator needs to require the user to choose a specific a search engine from a picklist. If lead source is not “Search Engine”, this picklist should be hidden. How should the administrator complete this requirement?

A. Assign a decision element to direct the user to a second screen to hold specific search engine only when a lead source is “Search Engine”. 
B. Use an assignment element, one for when lead source is “Search Engine” and one for everything else. 
C. Create a picklist for specific search engine, and set conditional visibility so that is only shown when lead source is “Search Engine”.
 D. Configure a picklist for specific search engine, and use a validation rule to conditionally show only when lead source is “Search Engine” 

Question # 8

Sales and Customer Care at Ursa Major Solar need to see different fields on the Case related list from the Account record. Sales users want to see Case created date and status while Customer Care would like to see owner, status, and contact. What should the administrator use to achieve this? 

A. Related Lookup Filters
 B. Compact Layout Editor 
C. Page Layout editor 
D. Search Layout Editor 

Question # 9

Cloud Kicks has a custom object called Shipments. The Company wants to see all the shipment items from an Account page. When an Account is deleted, the shipments should remain. What type of relationship should the administrator make between Shipments and Account? 

A. Shipments should have a lookup to Account. 
B. Accounts should have a lookup to Shipments. 
C. Shipments should have a master-detail to Accounts. 
D. Accounts should have a master-detail to Shipments. 

Question # 10

Cloud kicks has the organization-wide sharing default set to private on the shoe object. The sales manager should be able to view a report containing shoe records for all of the sales reps on their team. Which 3 items should the administrator configure to provide appropriate access to the report? Choose 3 answers

A. Custom report type.
 B. Folder access 
C. Report subscription 
D. Field level security 

Question # 11

DreamHouse Realty requires that house showings be scheduled within the current year to prevent too many future showings from stacking up. How can they make sure Showing Date is only populated with a date this years? 

A. Sync the users' Showing Calendar to Salesforce and filter it to only look at this year. 
B. Create a report that shows any Showing Dates not scheduled in the current year to the updated. 
C. Add Help Text so the user knows to only add a Showing Date within the current year. 
D. Create a validation rule that ensures Showing Date contains a date within the current year. 

Question # 12

The administrator at Universal Container has created two objects: Containers_c Purchase_c, Management has requested that all container records display on purchase records in Salesforce. Which type of relationship between Containers_c and Purchase_c should satisfy the requirement? 

A. Roll-Up Summary field 
B. Formula field 
C. Master-detail field 
D. Lookup field 

Question # 13

Sales managers would like to know what could be implemented to surface important values based on the stage of the opportunity. Which tool should an administrator use to meet this requirement? 

A. Opportunity Processes 
B. Dynamic Forms 
C. Path Key fields 
D. Workflow Rules