SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Fiori Application Developer- 197 Questions & Answers
- Update Date : September 02, 2024
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SAP C_FIORDEV_21 Sample Questions
Question # 1You are an administrator for your S/4HANA 1809 landscape. You want to disablepersonalization and themes on the SAP Fiori Launchpad for select users in one client. Howcan you do this?
A. Create a new catalog referencing /U12/CONFIG_CUS_CONF and assign it to the usersby a PFCG role
B. Create a new catalog referencing /U12/CONFIG_PERS_OFF and assign it to the usersby a PFCG role
C. Create a new catalog referencing /U12/CONFIG_PERS_ON, adjusting the relevantparameter in the target mapping, and assign it to the users by a PFCG role,
Question # 2
Your customer requires an app to display flight information on a mobile device. Please seethe screenshot for details. Which options can you use to display the same data in areadable format on a mobile device? (2 answers)
A. column: <Column demandPopin-'true" minScreenWidth-'tablef popinDisplay-'lnline">
B. column: <Column demandPopin-'true" maxScreenWidth-'mobile" popinDisplay="lnline">
C. column : <Column demandPopin-'true" minScreenWidth="tablet">
D. column: <Column:demandPopin="true" maxScreenWidth="mobile">
Question # 3
For which operations will the SAP Gateway server compute and return a new ETag in aresponse header? (2 answers)
Question # 4
An administrator wants to configure the SAP Fiori Launchpad for all users in one client foryour S/4HANA 1809 landscape. Which of the following options represents the best way forthe administrator to do this?
A. Create a target mapping in a catalog and assign the catalog to all users using roles
B. Define settings using transaction /UI5/FLP_CUS_CONF.
C. Use the configuration file to define URL parameters to enable/disable features whenstarting the SAP Fiori Launchpad
D. Define settings using transaction /UI5/FLP SYS_CONF
Question # 5
Which UI annotation is used to declare a field for the smart filter template?
A. UI.finderField
B. UI.filterField
C. UI.selectionField
D. UI.searchField
Question # 6
Why do you use the Cordova and SAP Kapsel plug-ins when using the SAP Web IDE, SAPHAT add-on? (2 answers)
A. To integrate device APIs
B. To use offline OData
C. To enable multiple SAPUI5 apps
D. To use X.509 client certificates
Question # 7
What types of extensions/replacements are supported by SAPUI5?
A. View modification
B. Implement UI Controller Hooks
C. View replacement
D. Manifest.json replacement
E. Replace service
F. Component replacement
Question # 8
How can a Tenderer access the associated elements?
A. The developer must define a property method in the control metadata and declare the access control.
B. The developer must implement an appropriate function to access the elements.
C. SAPUI5 provides functions to access all properties, associations, and aggregations.
Question # 9
You are modeling a new role for your SAP Fiori Launchpad users. Which of the followingsteps is an optional configuration step?
A. Create Tiles and Target Mappings o Create Catalog
B. Create Group and Assign Tile
C. Activate Windows Go to Settings
D. Assign Catalog to Role
Question # 10
Which SAP Fiori application is launched by using the search functionality instead of using atile?
A. Factsheet
B. Analytical
C. Transactional
D. Legacy
Question # 11
From which control does the sap.m.App control inherit navigation capabilities?
A. sap.m.NavContainer
B. sap.ui.core.NavContainer
C. sap.m.NavigationContainer
Question # 12
What is the result of a GIT Clean?
A. Undoes a committed snapshot.
B. Reverts back to the previous state of the project.
C. Removes all untracked files from the working directory.
Question # 13
In the code on the screenshot, what is the absolute path of the property to retrieve the Cityvalue for the company Acme Inc?
A. /regions/0/companies/O/city
B. /regions/companies/O/city
C. /regions/1/companies/1/city
D. /regions/companies/1/city