WatchGuard Essentials Dumps

WatchGuard Essentials Dumps PDF

Fireware Essentials Exam
  • 60 Questions & Answers
  • Update Date : October 01, 2024

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WatchGuard Essentials Sample Questions

Question # 1

From the Firebox System Manager >Authentication List tab, you can view all of the authenticated users connected to your Firebox and disconnect any of them. 

A. True 
B. False 

Question # 2

After you enable spamBlocker, your users experience no reduction in the amount of spam they receive. What could explain this? (Select three.) 

A. Connections cannot be resolved to the spamBlocker servers because DNS is not configured on the Firebox. 
B. The spamBlocker action for Confirmed Spam is set to Allow. 
C. The Maximum File Size to Scan option is set too high. 
D. A spamBlocker exception is configured to allow traffic from sender *. X
E. spamBlocker Virus Outbreak Detection is not enabled. 

Question # 3

You need to create an HTTP-proxy policy to a specific domain for software updates ( The update site has multiple subdomains and dynamic IP addresses on a content delivery network. Which of these options is the best way to define the destination in your HTTP-proxy policy? (Select one.) 

A. Configure a host name for 
B. Configure an FQDN for * 
C. Add IP addresses that correspond to each software update server in the domain. 
D. Create an alias for all subdomains and known IP addresses for 

Question # 4

To enable remote devices to send log messages to Dimension through the gateway Firebox, what must you verify is included in your gateway Firebox configuration? (Select one.) 

A. You can only send log messages to Dimension from a computer that is on the network behind your gateway Firebox. 
B. You must change the connection settings in Dimension, not on the gateway Firebox. 
C. You must add a policy to the remote device configuration file to allow traffic to a Dimension. 
D. You must make sure that either the WG-Logging packet filter policy, or another policy that allows external connections to Dimension over port 4115, is included in the configuration file. 

Question # 5

What is the best method to downgrade the version of Fireware OS on your Firebox without losing all device configuration settings? (Select one.) 

A. Restore a saved backup image that was created for the device before the last Fireware OS upgrade. 
B. Use the Upgrade OS feature in Fireware Web UI to install the sysa_dl file for an order version of Fireware OS. 
C. Change the OS compatibility setting in Policy Manager to downgrade the device. Then use Policy Manager to save the configuration to the device. 
D. Use the downgrade feature on Policy Manager to select a previous of Fireware OS. 

Question # 6

Which authentication servers can you use with your Firebox? (Select four.) 

A. Active Directory 
D. Linux Authentication 
E. Kerberos 
G. Firebox databases 

Question # 7

When your device is in a default state, to which interface do you connect your management computer so you can use the Quick Setup Wizard or Web Setup Wizard to configure the device? (Select one.) 

A. Interface 0 
B. Console interface 
C. Any interface 
D. Interface 1 

Question # 8

To prevent certificate error warnings in your browser when you use deep content inspection with the HTTPS proxy, you can export the proxy authority certificate from the Firebox and import that certificate to all client devices. 

A. True 
B. False 

Question # 9

You can configure your Firebox to automatically redirect users to the Authentication Portal page.

A. True 
B. False 

Question # 10

An email newsletter about sales from an external company is sometimes blocked by spamBlocker. What option could you choose to make sure the newsletter is delivered to your users? (Select one.) 

A. Add a spamBlocker exception based on the From field of the newsletter email. 
B. Set the spamBlocker action to quarantine the email for later retrieval. 
C. Add a spamBlocker subject tag for bulk email messages. 
D. Set the spamBlocker virus outbreak detection action to allow emails from the newsletter source. 

Question # 11

The policies in a default Firebox configuration do not allow outgoing traffic from optional interfaces. 

A. True 
B. False

Question # 12

Only 50 clients on the trusted network of your Firebox can connect to the Internet at the same time. What could cause this? (Select one.)

A. TheLiveSecurity feature key is expired. 
B. The device feature key allows a maximum of 50 client connections. 
C. The DHCP address pool on the trusted interface has only 50 IP addresses. 
D. The Outgoing policy allows a maximum of 50 client connections. 

Question # 13

The IP address for the trusted interface on your Firebox is, but you want to change the IP address for this interface. How can you avoid a network outage for clients on the trusted network when you change the interface IP address to (Select one.) 

A. Create a 1-to-1 NAT rule for traffic from the subnet to addresses on the subnet. 
B. Add as a secondary IP address for the interface. 
C. Add IP addresses on the subnet to the DHCP Server IP address pool for this interface. 
D. Add a route to with the gateway