CompTIA 220-1002 Dumps

CompTIA 220-1002 Dumps PDF

CompTIA A+ Certification Exam: Core 2
  • 665 Questions & Answers
  • Update Date : December 01, 2024

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CompTIA 220-1002 Sample Questions

Question # 1

A user lives in a location that experiences frequent lightning storms. Which of the followingwould be the LEAST expensive solution to protect the user's computer hardware?

A. A surge protector
B. Grounding
C. A power generator
D. An uninterruptible power supply

Question # 2

Which of the following is required to receive GPOs from a system's centralized servers?

A. Encrypting File System
B. Workgroup membership
C. Domain access Is
D. BitLocker

Question # 3

A customer has been using a computer to download and copy files to a USB flash drive.The customer accidentally stepped on the power strip, and the computer suddenly poweredoff. When the computer turned back on, it displayed an error message: No OS found.Which of the following should a technician perform NEXT?

A. Connect a UPS.
B. Repair the OS.
C. Check the boot order.
D. Run hardware diagnostics.

Question # 4

A user wants a phone with an operating system that is highly customizable. Which of thefollowing operating systems will a technician MOST likely recommend?

A. Windows Mobile
B. Android
C. Fire OS
D. iOS

Question # 5

A remote user has reported a suspicious pop-up. and a technician is troubleshooting theuser's laptop. The technician needs to connect securely to the computer to view the user'sscreen and investigate the issue Which of the following should the technician use?


Question # 6

A technician needs to connect to a server using a secure terminal application. Thetechnician must be able to reboot the server quickly and restart all the daemons with thisapplication Which of the following methods will the technician MOST likely use? (SelectTWO)

B. Telnet
C. Putty
E. Remote Assistance

Question # 7

A user’s company phone was recently wiped. The user Is unsure if an IT administratorwiped the phone or if it was the result of a hacking attempt. A new company policy wasrecently implemented to tighten security. The newpolicy requirements include:* An allowance for the remote wiping of company data* PIN unlock* Failed-attempt device wiping‘The user normally keeps the phone in a pocket, so it is unlikely that anyone else hadaccess to It. Which of the following is the MOST likely cause of the device being wiped?

A. Unauthorized remote access
B. A system lockout
C. A virus
D. A faulty device

Question # 8

A technician is helping a remote user who has a Windows issue. The user is working froma shared office space and is not on the corporate network. Which of the following remoteaccess methods is MOST to be successful in this case?

A. Telnet
B. Remote desktop
C. Third-party screen sharing
D. Secure shell

Question # 9

A Microsoft application will not open when a user clicks on it. Instead, the following errormessage pops up: This application has crashed. Would you like to send an error report toMicrosoft? Which of the following should the user try FIRST

A. Open the application with administrative privileges.
B. Open a run command and then type the application name.
C. Reboot the computer into sate mode and try to open the program.
D. Uninstall the program alter saving any associated data and reinstall the program.

Question # 10

A user installed an application that now requires a license key to enable lull functionality.The user contacts support, and the technician decides to enter a license key in thesoftware GUI on behalf of the user. Which of the following will support this task''

D. Telnet

Question # 11

Which of the following security principles help to prevent employees from changing filesthey are intended only to view?


Question # 12

Ann, an employee, has been trying to use a company-issued mobile device to access aninternal fileshare while traveling abroad. She restarted the device due to a mobile OSupdate, but she is now unable to access company information Ann calls the help desk forassistance, and a technician verifies she can make calls and access websites Which of thefollowing should the technician suggest NEXT to try to fix the issue?

A. Navigate to the VPN profile in the device settings, delete the pre-shared key. and restartthe device
B. Instruct Ann to open the company's MDM application to ensure proper functionality
C. Navigate to the corporate intranet page and use hyperlinks to access the fileshare.
D. Instruct Ann to disable TLS 1.0 in the device settings

Question # 13

Which of the following is a risk to computer equipment when the humidity is low?

A. Static discharge
B. Corrosion
C. Frequent brownouts
D. Increased dust